Did You Know That Around 70% Of All Deaths Globally

 Did you know that around 70% of all deaths globally are due to Chronic Diseases (WHO) 💥

The sad fact about this statistic is that chronic diseases are largely preventable.

Chronic disease is insidious. It silently creeps up on you. 🤢. It doesn’t happen overnight. It takes many years to manifest, so you may think you are well until one day you are not.

Statistics show an alarming increase in the incidence of these diseases. Chronic diseases include cancer, diabetes, heart ❤️conditions, lung/breathing ailments, gastrointestinal problems, musculoskeletal conditions particularly back pain, and mental health disorders. These conditions progressively worsen and lead to loss of quality of life, disability and premature death.

Arrest the progress of these diseases by learning how to identify and eliminate the root cause of them.

Join this 6-month program each week and change the trajectory of your health and well-being. 💪🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️🤸 The details are in the event description. Here’s the link to the read more:


Let’s make “Wellness in Totality” your reality  ❤️ 😊 

“To Wellness and Beyond”  🚀✨

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