How to Create a Web Site in 5 Days!
How to Create a Web Site in 5 Days
Bina Omar
About The Author
How To Overcome The “Techno-Babble” and Become A WebMaster… In Just 5 Days!
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Okay, you’ve mastered surfing and you’ve probably got email pretty much figured out.
So, what’s next? If you’re reading this, then you probably would like to learn how to build your own website. Chances are pretty good that you’ve read some of the “geek speak” out there and it’s left you petrified!
We are here to take away the “mystique” and give you exactly what you need to build your first website. And we’ll do it without all that “techno stuff” that has you shaking in your boots.
Don’t misunderstand. Some techno stuff is necessary and important to learn. But, it doesn’t require you to be one step down from a PhD in rocket science.
How do you do that?
It’s simple. By combining sight and sound as audio and visual aids, you are able to create a virtual “show and tell” classroom for yourself by following simple instructions.
Blending the written, audio and visual words creates a much more comprehensive environment conducive to learning how all this “web stuff” comes together. Using these techniques increases your ability to learn and absorb much quicker than simply reading pages.
Here are some of the criteria that are covered in the material:
The #1 Design Rule
Learning about the browser
Exploring the tools of the trade
Selecting a domain name
How to obtain hosting
Linking to the host
Strategic planning
Selecting a layout
Who is your target
Colour selection
When to use graphics
How to use graphics
Learning graphic formats
Defining links and much more
Compared to the alternative of hiring a web designer, this is the most comprehensive and inexpensive alternative you will find online.
The easy to read, see and hear the tutorial is one of the best resources available online.
What are you waiting for? Grab your copy today and have your own website operational in just 5 days! You’ll be glad you did.
Click How To Build A Website In 5 Days if You Would Like To Buy Ebook: How to Create a Web Site in 5 Days!
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