How To Best Generate A Second Income From Recommending Other People´s Webinars 2023

Second Income, How To Generate A Second Income From Recommending Other People´s Webinars

How To Generate A Second Income From Recommending Other People´s Webinars

This is a completely feasible and profitable home-based business that you can do no matter what your circumstances, and fits into our Businesses To Start On A Shoestring model. How To Generate A Second Income From Recommending Other People´s Webinars

Who does this business model suit?

  • You may be unemployed or under-employed.
  • You may be retired.
  • You may want a side hustle to earn some extra cash.
  • You may be bored and like playing on your computer to see how much money you can generate for little effort.
  • You may want to start to build an empire of your own.

This business can be done by anybody and at any time, because you are promoting other people´s events. You are not presenting anything yourself, so you have no product or service to prepare or anything to present or deliver yourself. You do not even need to attend the Second Income webinar yourself. But what you do get is revenue from this strategy.

All you are doing is promoting other Second Income people´s events online, and you generate an income from receiving a commission from the person or coach giving the online event, when an attendee subscribes to a product or service of theirs.

So if it is so easy, tell me more you may say?

You are looking to find suitable online business coaches second income who are running events already that generate commissions from sales by these coaches, so obviously, it makes sense to promote those coaches whose events are the most profitable, rather than those who do not generate any money.

Where do you carry out the promotion of these events, you may ask?

It depends where the successful coaches second income that you choose to promote are running their events. It could be any or all of the following platforms, or it could be somewhere else. The point is that you are acting as a Lead Generator for these coaches.

Typically successful coaches may run their events on LinkedIn, Eventbrite, or Meetup, or maybe all three platforms plus other events on Zoom or Go To Webinar or Webby.

But I don’t know who to promote these events to, you may say – I don’t have many connections myself!

We will show you how to find suitable attendees for each type of event, depending on the niche of the coach concerned.

How do you do that? It seems to be totally impossible – not at all!

Generate A Second Income From Recommending Other People´s Webinars

We show you how to find the attendees for these events in similar groups on LinkedIn, or other social media platforms. There are thousands of people out there who may be interested to attend the event you are promoting. All you need to do is find your audience, wherever they are hanging out on LinkedIn, or Facebook or Instagram or Pinterest or Tumbler or elsewhere such as TikTok for example.

Ok I get the idea now, we are looking for a lookalike audience to suit a particular online business coach’s niche, and we are helping them to increase their audience. Got it!

The thing that makes this particular method so potentially profitable is that webinars convert much more highly than promoting affiliate links to cold lists of people or even groups. Usually webinars convert at between 20 and 30%, so depending on the price of the offering and the commission scale you may earn less or more money. High ticket usually means high commission for you!

So you get an affiliate link from the coach whose webinars you are promoting, and when people buy from them at their own events, you get a commission from the event holder? Yes, exactly!

Some coaches do not have their own affiliate links, so you will need to pre-declare the list of attendees at their event to them and they will use this list to pay you the affiliate commission that you are due – obviously this relies on trust between you and the coach concerned.

If this sounds like a business model that would be of interest to you then get in touch and we will give you full details.


How To Generate A Second Income From Recommending Other People´s Webinars

CALL ALAN ON +447539141257 OR +443332241257 OR DROP AN EMAIL TO or schedule a call at

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